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Legislature considers another speed zone camera bill

The Legislature has only been in session for a week, but it's already considering its second speed zone camera bill. (AP Photo/File)

The Legislature has only been in session for a week, but it’s already considering its second speed zone camera bill.

The latest legislation might help give drivers a heads up when they’re about to be on camera.

Representative Dean Takko (D-Longview) wants to make sure that drivers know when school zone cameras are active.

“People support them, but the only issue that I keep hearing is it would be nice if it was clear when they’re activated and when they’re not,” said Takko.

House Bill 1087 would require a flashing yellow light and a sign reading “camera active while flashing” so drivers would have certainty.

“Because they’re not consistent 24/7. There are times where you can go faster than 20, and so the complaint I’ve heard from people is that it would be nice if there were something there that flashes that tells you they’re on, slow down,” he said.

The bill had its first hearing Monday.


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