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How frustrated are you with the Seattle merge?

Have you been a victim of the rude Seattle merge? (AP)

Elizabeth, a new Seattle resident, sent us this message after discovering the region’s driving quirks. While the curse words have been eliminated, we get the gist of her problem.

Why are Seattle people so rude behind the wheel?! I just moved here from Denver and I can’t believe the merging problem! You wait your turn, and then when I let you in, you wave. How hard is it!?

The rest of the email has been redacted because, apparently, we cannot print that type of language on our site.

We’ve all been there. You are driving along then suddenly you realize you are about to miss your exit &#8212 RUDE MERGE! You might give a little embarrassed wave to the nice driver who just saw their life flash before their eyes, or maybe you don’t and continue on your way in shame.

Important note: Do not rudley merge in front of a semi. That space in front of a semi-truck is the amount of space a truck needs to stop safely.

So for new Seattle residents, I present “The Seattle Merge.”

Step 1 Know your route well in advance. Leave one hour early. Listen to KIRO 97.3 and employ every electronic device you own to get to your destination safely. But, of course, no texting while driving.

Step 2 Anticipate your merge at least one mile in advance.

Step 3 Wait politely, turn on your signal, and then merge with about 16.5 car lengths in-between you and other vehicles.

Step 4 Wave exuberantly. Do this in front of the rearview mirror so your grateful gesture can properly be seen. And make sure your wave is exaggerated as not to bring shame upon your family for generations to come.

In all seriousness, the merge is a simple driving task, but sometimes we’re distracted. Keep pace with traffic. Signal. Merge. And if you are the car holding the merging power, be nice and let the other guy in. After all, next time, it could be you trying to merge.


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