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Gray is here to stay, avocado making a comeback

What will be the game-changing colors for 2015?

Designers at the International Builders Show and the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show in Las Vegas last week said one favorite is now being paired with new partners while a color from the past is surprisingly popular with millennials.

“Chocolate brown is the new black and gray is the new beige,” said a Sherwin-Williams representative. “Everything in color is going more gray.”

While gray has been popular for a while, there’s been a change in how grays are fitting into the residential color palette. It’s now being used with teal and straw yellow, designers reported.

One color trend that has surprised the industry is the popularity of avocado with millennials.

“I’m thinking, ‘Why are you so excited about this color?'” said Stephanie Moore, principle of Moore Design Group. She says she later realized that it was a generational thing. “It’s because they didn’t have a refrigerator that color growing up!”


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