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Report says Bangladesh gov’t wells not fixing arsenic crisis

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In this April 5, 2016 photo, a Bangladeshi boy collects arsenic-tainted water from a tube-well in Khirdasdi village, outskirts of Dhaka. A report released Wednesday by Human Rights Watch blames nepotism and neglect by officials. It says they're deliberately having new wells dug in areas convenient for their friends, families and supporters, rather than where arsenic contamination is highest or large numbers of poor villagers are being exposed. (AP Photo/ A.M. Ahad)

In this April 5, 2016 photo, a Bangladeshi boy collects arsenic-tainted water from a tube-well in Khirdasdi village, outskirts of Dhaka. A report released Wednesday by Human Rights Watch blames nepotism and neglect by officials. It says they're deliberately having new wells dug in areas convenient for their friends, families and supporters, rather than where arsenic contamination is highest or large numbers of poor villagers are being exposed. (AP Photo/ A.M. Ahad)

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