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9 places in Washington where you’re likely to find Bigfoot

There is a belief that’s powerful in the Northwest: The belief that Bigfoot exists. While some doubt that such a creature roams the wilderness of Washington, witnesses who have seen, heard and in many cases, smelled a Bigfoot, would tell you differently.

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1. Pierce County

In the county that's home to Mt. Rainier, Washington's tallest peak, the highest number of Bigfoot sightings have been reported: 69.

Since 1967 there have been reports of vocalizations that seemingly belonged to a Bigfoot creature, multiple accounts of hairy bipedal creatures with many of the accounts taking place near dusk.

The most recent report is from a man who saw an "oversized" gorilla in March of 2014. It's one of 5 reports from the Ashford area.

Read the reports from Pierce County here.

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