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9 places in Washington where you’re likely to find Bigfoot

There is a belief that’s powerful in the Northwest: The belief that Bigfoot exists. While some doubt that such a creature roams the wilderness of Washington, witnesses who have seen, heard and in many cases, smelled a Bigfoot, would tell you differently.

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8. Mason County

Among Mason County's 21 Bigfoot encounters are heard vocalizations, and even some cell phone photos.

Considered a "Class A" report, or a report that involves clear sightings in circumstances where misinterpretation or misidentification of other animals can be ruled out with confidence, a man on Harstine Island detailed his encounter with Sasquatch in the fall of 1993. He described the speed at which it walked and the massive height of the creature. But he also noticed, "The worst smell I have ever smelled in my life burned my nostrils."

Read the reports from Mason County here.

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