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8 ways to become a 12th Man flag raiser

The 12th Man flag is a symbol of the Seahawks fans but you have to be pretty special to be asked to raise it before a Seahawks game at CenturyLink Field. Most of the time, it’s former Seahawks players and coaches, or other Seattle athletes that are graced with the honor. But how might you or I become a 12th Man flag raiser? Let’s look to a few of the flag raisers of the past to get some ideas.

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7. Don clown makeup and delight generations of children
J.P. Patches, aka Chris Wedes, entertained children on television and in person for decades in Seattle. He brought joy to Puget Sound area children of all ages until he passed away in 2012. Patches raised the 12th Man flag on August 29, 2008, and wouldn't settle for anythin less than the 12th Man's loudest.
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