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8 companies you didn’t know had Seattle roots

Even if you’re from Seattle you may not know that some of these companies do, or have in the past called Seattle home.

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7. Red Robin

Founded in Seattle; 1969.

You're a couple months too late to visit the original Red Robin location. Well, two months and four years too late. The Red Robin restaurant was found structurally unsound, shutdown in 2010, and was finally demolished on August 28. First known as Sam's Tavern in the 1940s, with an eventual name-change to Sam's Red Robin, the restaurant was bought by Seattle restaurant entrepreneur Gerry Kingen. He expanded it and dropped the "Sam's." The headquarters moved to Greenwood Village, Colorado and today there are 450 Red Robin restaurants.

The original Red Robin was at 3272 Fuhrman Ave E, Seattle

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