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5 things you get wrong about crosswalks

OK angry drivers – lay off your horns and listen for a second. Pedestrians have the right-of-way almost all the time. When one steps out into the crosswalk, not only should you let them get safely cross the street, (which of course you do), you also shouldn’t get mad at them for making you late.

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5. Pedestrians & bicyclists have the right of way

"Give them plenty of time to cross the street," says SDOT. "Just remember that pedestrians and bicyclists have the right-of-way at crosswalks and intersections."

Drivers often think they have the right-of-way, after all, your car is bigger, faster, and cooler than those folks who opt to hoof it. But you don't, not when they're trying to cross the street. It's the simplest rule about crosswalks, so let's keep that in mind as we continue.

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