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Correction: Philadelphia Museum-Major Acquisition story

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — In a story Feb. 25 about a bequest to the Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Associated Press erroneously described the museum’s collection as made up of works by Thomas Eakins. The museum has a large collection of Eakins paintings, but they make up only a small part of its total holdings.

A corrected version of the story is below:

Philadelphia museum acquires over 50 works of American art

The Philadelphia Museum of Art has received a major bequest of over 50 works of American art, including the museum’s first painting by Edward Hopper

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — The Philadelphia Museum of Art has received a major bequest of over 50 works of American art, including the museum’s first painting by Edward Hopper.

The artworks are from the estate of collector Daniel Dietrich II, who died last year. The suburban Philadelphia philanthropist was an heir to a family conglomerate that once included Luden’s cough drops. The museum also is receiving a $10 million endowment from Dietrich’s charitable funds.

Besides Hopper’s 1962 painting “Road and Trees,” the gift includes works by contemporary artists Cy Twombly, Philip Guston, Agnes Martin, Eva Hesse and Paul Thek. African-American painter Horace Pippin also is among the major 20th century American artists represented.

Also in the bequest was a portrait by Thomas Eakins. The institution already has a large collection of works by the 19th-century Philadelphia realist.

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