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Tom and Curley

Seattle gun tax won’t stop gun violence

John Curley says a gun tax in Seattle won't put an end to gun violence. (AP)

John Curley’s opinion taken from Monday’s edition of the Tom and Curley Show.

The city of Seattle thinks it can do something about people being shot with guns. They are going to tax gun sellers $25 for each gun sold.

They think they are going to raise $600,000. That’s called a static analysis. What you are assuming is that a tax will not have an effect on the exchange of goods and services.

Related: Seattle to vote on firearm tax; gun shop owner prepares to sue

But it will have an effect because people will move out and buy their guns somewhere else.

Then they are going to take that money and educate people. They are going to create an education program so that we have fewer shootings.

Here’s the education program: If you point a gun at someone and you pull the trigger, there is a pretty good chance the bullet coming out of the gun will hit them. And if you’re angry and you pick up a gun and you shoot someone, you are going to go to jail and that person is going to go to the hospital and they’re going to die.

Where does the violence come from? People who don’t have a parent that cares about them. If you come from a broken family and no one teaches you right from wrong and … you’ve seen your brother, cousin, whatever use a gun, shoot somebody, or know that guns are used in order to settle arguments, and that’s part of your upbringing, then that’s what you do as well.

So the majority of people picking up a gun in Seattle and shooting somebody; I bet you dollars and donuts they don‘t have anybody in the house teaching them right from wrong.

John Curley’s opinion taken from Monday’s edition of the Tom and Curley Show.


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