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Michael Medved

The media myth of a ‘GOP Civil War’

Donald Trump and Jeb Bush go head-to-head at a GOP presidential debate. With so many running for the Republican presidential nomination, and the Tea Party entering the ranks of conservatives in elected positions, some are saying there is a GOP Civil War. It's a myth. (AP)

Mainstream media focus obsessive and misleading attention on what they call “The Republican Civil War.”

First, Republicans aren’t battling over substance or policy: the Tea Party and the Congressional leadership agree on long-term goals and quarrel only over strategies to get there.

Second, it’s not much of a “Civil War” when one side has all the troops: in the House of Representatives, 39 members support the so-called “Freedom Caucus” while more than 200 back the current leadership.

In last year’s elections, Tea Party-aligned candidates made 20 challenges to mainstream conservatives for House and Senate seats but won only one of those races: against former Majority Leader Eric Cantor. And each of the established candidates went on from their primary victories to win the general election.

Sure, Capitol Hill veterans could do more to encourage unity and rally the base, but super-heated talk of some apocalyptic battle “for the soul of the Republican Party” damages all conservatives.

Michael Medved on AM 770 KTTH

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