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TBTL with Luke Burbank


I haven’t heard yesterday’s show yet but something strange and scary happened to someone I know in Seattle yesterday and I need your help. My friend, Stefan, was driving his Prius in SODO after having just volunteered for 12 hours at the food bank, when he witnessed some scofflaw in a tricked out Toyota 4Runner jabbering on his phone speeding through a red light. Stefan, being a good citizen, pulled up next to this yuppie and informed him of his crime.


The guy, whom Stefan described as an “angry Lord Grantham type”, did not take the news well. This rageaholic fell in behind Stefan and followed him all the way around the city back to Fremont! Stefan’s girlfriend Cilantro was also in the car and was so upset she turned down KUOW and called 911. The police were no help, however. They said they were too busy handing out Doritos to stoners and shooting dogs to assist on a car stalking.

Finally, Crazy Lord Grantham peeled off, presumably to either get gas or resume terrorizing Miss Bunting, but Stefan and Cilantro were pretty shaken up. Not only were they late for feeding the chickens they keep behind their tiny house, but their recumbent kayaking plans had to be cancelled. Please, if you know anything about this crazy man let me know. We have to get this maniac off the streets.

My “government” is Mike Frizzell. Friend me on Facebook where I’m respecting Marshawn Lynch’s privacy by reposting anything I can find about him. Follow me @drewmcfrizz on Twitter. Check out Takedown Podcast‘s FB page where we are doing a Dummy U.N. series calling out idiots all over the world.


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