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Jesus is not coming Saturday May 21


Dave Ross Commentary – Listen: Jesus is not coming Saturday May 21

So let me just come out and say it: no matter what’s on the billboards, Jesus is not coming Saturday night.

I can say this with complete assurance, because I know that if I’m wrong, no one will even remember this broadcast.

Whereas people predicting the Lord WILL come, like Harold Camping, the preacher who started this, have the opposite problem. He’s been challenged on his OWN radio show over the donations he accepts from his followers:

Caller: You don’t want to trick anybody, so on May the 22nd they should get their money back.

Harold Camping: Excuse me, May 22nd will be the second day of Judgment Day. It’s going to be a horror story.

A lot of people are looking forward to some really embarrassing interviews Sunday.

But that is actually a little bit mean. Because even though the world won’t end, the point of the Bible story is — you can believe in God, and do everything your religion teaches, but even that won’t protect you. You could still find yourself in a huge earthquake followed by a tsunami and a radiation release from a damaged nuclear plant. Or a tornado could obliterate your town, or a huge river could overflow its banks and wipe out your farm. So you should ALWAYS live AS IF the world could end tomorrow, because even if The WHOLE world isn’t ending, yours could. Boy, that’s depressing. I hate ending on a depressing note.

How about this: Come Sunday, the world as we know it will still be here, the sun will still rise, you will still wake up in a house worth half what you paid, in a job paying a fraction of what it used to. I’ll keep working on it.

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