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Rare Washington journal sells for $173K, war Bible for $161K

NEW YORK (AP) — A rare newspaper printing of a journal George Washington wrote as a young man has been sold for $173,000 at a New York City auction.

The Maryland Gazette printing from March 1754 topped the presale price of $60,000 to $90,000 during Monday’s auction at Bonhams.

An inscribed King James pocket Bible carried into the Battle of Bunker Hill by a Massachusetts soldier sold for $161,000, double its presale estimate.

Bonhams doesn’t release information about buyers.

The items were among hundreds of historic documents being sold by collector Eric Caren, of Woodstock.

Washington was a then-22-year-old surveyor from Virginia when the Maryland newspaper published his journal detailing his failed effort during the winter of 1753-54 to persuade the French to withdraw from the Ohio River Valley.

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