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Court: Adviser who helped girl get abortion should keep job

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — A school guidance counselor who helped a 15-year-old girl get judicial approval for an abortion without telling her parents shouldn’t have lost her job, the state’s highest court ruled Thursday.

Demetria McKaig’s contract at Farmington High School was not renewed in April 2013, four months after she blocked her principal from telling the girl’s parents about the pregnancy. A majority of Supreme Court justices said McKaig should be reinstated, but in a dissent, Justice Robert Lynn accused his colleagues of ignoring legal principles because the case involved a hot-button issue.

“Because I cannot join the bandwagon of political correctness that provides the only justification for the majority’s decision, I respectfully dissent,” he wrote.

Under a state law that took effect in January 2012, pregnant girls under 18 who want an abortion must tell their parents or get a judge’s OK. In the Farmington case, the girl told McKaig she was pregnant, wanted an abortion and didn’t want her mother to know because she and her boyfriend feared for their safety. McKaig told the girl she could avoid telling her parents by going to court, but the principal argued that the school should tell the girl’s mother about the pregnancy.

McKaig then obtained a restraining order on the girl’s behalf to prevent the principal from speaking to the mother, and the court granted the girl’s request to bypass the parental notification requirement. McKaig was later told that her contract would not be renewed for insubordination and breach of student confidentiality.

The majority of the court found that McKaig did not violate the school district’s policy on insubordination because the principal neither instructed her to stop helping the student nor challenged her request for a restraining order. They also pushed back against Lynn’s criticism, saying that he made “incorrect assumptions” about their motivations and that they were disappointed by his tone.

But Lynn argued that no law or policy would have prevented the principal from disclosing the pregnancy — the parental notification law pertains to notification of an abortion, not a pregnancy. He called the majority decision an “exercise of raw judicial power” that was unsupported by established law or legal principles and crafted instead to produce a desired outcome.

“It is understandable that the majority would be distressed when this is pointed out,” he wrote. “But its discomfort provides no justification for me to ‘sugar-coat’ what has occurred.”


This story has been corrected to show that the counselor was not fired; her contract was not renewed.

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