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Sierra Leone president urges foreign investment post-Ebola

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone (AP) — Sierra Leone’s president is urging foreign investment in the West African country now that Ebola has declined.

President Ernest Bai Koroma said Thursday great efforts are needed to restart the economy — especially the agricultural sector, which suffered most during the world’s deadliest Ebola outbreak that killed more than 11,300 people, mostly in West Africa.

Koroma said he will seek foreign investment at an upcoming Organization of Islamic Cooperation summit in Turkey. He said Ebola is over in Sierra Leone, and he hopes to rebrand the country as open for business.

His plea comes after new cases recently emerged in Guinea and Liberia, months after they had been declared Ebola-free.

The World Health Organization says Ebola is no longer an international health emergency, but flare-ups of decreasing frequency are expected.

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