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Michael Medved

Hillary Clinton’s dangerous vulnerability on personal integrity

Among Democratic caucus participants in Iowa, one-fourth said that the quality that mattered most to them was that a candidate should be "honest and trustworthy." (AP)

By Michael Medved

Despite Bernie Sanders’ strong showing in Iowa, Hillary Clinton remains the overwhelming favorite for the Democratic nomination &#8212 and that’s good news for Republicans because of her profound vulnerability on issues of personal integrity.

Related: Iowa proves it: Democrats are more divided than GOP

Among Democratic caucus participants in Iowa, one-fourth said that the quality that mattered most to them was that a candidate should be “honest and trustworthy.” Among these voters, Bernie Sanders slaughtered Hillary Clinton by a staggering 8-to-1 margin &#8212 83 percent to 10 percent. If the Republicans choose a candidate who conveys a sense of ethics and authenticity, they should be able to peel away some of these Democratic voters, as well as scoring big gains among the independents who care about the honesty issue.

With more information about the e-mail scandal dribbling out every week, and with the FBI investigation scheduled for a mid-summer climax, Hillary’s reputation for phoniness and prevarication should offer her opponents an irresistible target.

Michael Medved on AM 770 KTTH

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