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Summer Search

The mission of Summer Search is to find resilient low-income high school students and inspire them to become responsible and altruistic leaders by providing year- round mentoring, life-changing summer experiences, college advising, and a lasting support network.

Low-income youth face tremendous obstacles to completing college and achieving their full potential. They often live in neighborhoods where the poverty and crime rates are extremely high, and the job and education opportunities are poor. According to the U.S. Department of Education, only 50% of low-income students graduate high school. Only 11% complete a four-year college within six years (Pell Institute, 2008 Report: Moving Beyond Access). This puts students from low-income communities at a serious disadvantage when it comes to having a chance at economic self-sufficiency, full civic participation, and to become leaders.

Each piece of the Summer Search model builds upon the others to provide opportunities and support that few low-income youth would otherwise receive:

Year-round mentoring by full-time trained staff builds students’ resilience, helping them learn to cultivate relationships, become self-reflective, and navigate the challenges in their lives.

Full scholarships to summer experiential education programs like Outward Bound and the National Outdoor Leadership School strengthen students’ follow-through, leadership, and problem solving, all of which translates to success in high school and college.

Individualized college and financial aid advising helps students pursue post-secondary school.

Resources for students in and after college support strong academic performance, college persistence, and career exploration.

To learn more about Summer Search in the Seattle area visit Summer Search Seattle.



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