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How to capture the best fireworks photos on your smartphone

If you want great fireworks photos with just your smart phone, found some tips courtesy Faves + Co. (AP Photo/File)

If you tried to take a photo of the beautiful fireworks last year – but they just didn’t turn out, this 4th of July, you can step up your photo-taking skills.

Thanks to Faves + Co. we found some tips for taking the best shots possible of fireworks.

1. Use stop action or slow shutter for best results.

Find an app that allows you to swap back to an earlier photo frame.

2: Shoot fireworks in video mode.

But don’t shoot in just regular video mode – you should use a video frame app. @mikebrice tells Fave + Co. to use apps like VideoPix on iOS or AndroVid on Android, for best results.

3: Edit for optimal results.

Kevin Duggan recommends Camera+ for post production on iOS, which allows you to tweak all aspects of the photo. If you’re on an Android device, Faves recommends HDR Camera.

4: Stabilize your phone.

A tripod will keep your phone still, allowing you to get the best picture with the surrounding dark lighting. Tripods don’t have to be expensive, but you can also prop/hold your phone up on a nearby railing if you want to fly by the seat of your pants.

5: If your phone is sensitive to low light, you’ll need a third party app.

The iPhone 5 is low-light sensitive, so you should get a third party app. Fave says photographers recommend, Cogitap Software’s Slow Shutter Cam, 645 PRO or NightCap.

6: Don’t use a flash.

7: Don’t zoom. REALLY.

8: Play with filters.

When you’re posting to Instagram, filters are part of the culture, says Faves. But now Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ all have native filters you can use too.

Find the complete list of smartphone photo-taking tips at Faves + Co.


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