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Oxford Dictionaries explain Miley Cyrus’ ‘twerk,’ other ‘buzzworthy’ words

If someone told you that on Sunday, Miley Cyrus "twerked" and everyone got upset - did you have to ask what that meant? Now you can look up the definition. (Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)

If someone told you that on Sunday, Miley Cyrus “twerked” and everyone got upset – did you have to ask what that meant?

Now you’re in luck, because “twerk,” along with several other abbreves (the shortening of abbreviation is still not an official word) and text-friendly lingo have made it – not exactly into the Oxford English Dictionary – but into the Oxford Dictionaries online.

Fear not, blondie! If you have a FOMO of buzzworthy words that you want to express with your favorite emojis, all you have to do is check the list of the latest already-Internet-words-but-now-dictionary-approved words.

Does that mean you can use “squee” when describing your latest project to your boss? Well, if there is an adorable animal involved it would be appropriate.

Otherwise they may not be able to make sense of the omnishambles. Srsly.

See the complete list here.

Twerk (v): dance to popular music in a sexually provocative manner involving thrusting hip movements and a low, squatting stance

About the Author

Alyssa Kleven

Alyssa Kleven is an editor and content producer at She enjoys doting over her adorable dachshund Winnie - named for Arcade Fire front-man Win Butler.


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