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Dori Monson

What’s the big deal about the royal baby?

Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, is shown last month arriving for a ceremony in Southampton, England, Thursday, June 13, 2013. It would be her last public appearance before Monday's royal birth. (AP /Chris Jackson)

The frenzy over the royal baby reached a fever pitch Monday morning as word surfaced Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, had gone into labor. And it was worldwide pandemonium as word surfaced the royal baby boy made its way into the world Monday afternoon. But count KIRO Radio’s Luke Burbank and Dori Monson among those who aren’t dancing in the streets.

“I just don’t personally get it,” Luke says. Of course, he tends to get much more excited about a new song added to the Karaoke player at Seattle’s Rickshaw restaurant.

“Can someone tell me why anyone in America should care?” asks Dori.

Clearly, they’re in the minority. The royal baby watch has been the top trending story all day on Google, and a constant staple of TV news from the Today Show to CNN. British bookies have taken over 50,000 bets on the royal baby’s gender and name (we now know it’s a boy, but Buckingham Palace says the name won’t be announced right away.)

“I find this obsession over this baby to be really interesting, especially since royal family doesn’t control anything, which is in my opinion, how it should be,” says Luke.

While he insists he’s not indicting England or the British people, those caught up in royal fever “must have really empty lives,” Dori says. “I find the whole royal family thing to be a little distasteful. It is so opulent.”

“Typically, it seems to be that this is a story where the interest is driven because across the world, little girls are taught about princesses and becoming a queen. Now, a lot of them are grown up and this is the closest thing to a real life princess and queen and all the fantasy Disney stuff,” says Luke.

But KIRO Radio’s Kim Shepard says it makes as much sense as people who passionately follow sports.

“I love babies, I’m a baby person,” she says. “It really doesn’t affect your life. It’s not going to change your life one way or another, but it’s fun to watch.”

KIRO Radio’s Tom Tangney was following the royal birth with some interest, mainly because he was excited by the notion if Kate gave birth to a girl, for the first time a royal daughter would be first in line for the throne.

“I was hoping for a girl to throw traditionalists off their game,” says the Irishman, who’d just as soon see the monarchy come to an end.

“I think it’s awesome that now a woman can also have a pretend job running a royal family,” replies Luke.

Grandma, Queen Elizabeth II is said to be thrilled with the newest addition. And Luke says given her recent support of gay marriage, she clearly knows how to keep giving the people what they want.

“Considering that other than women, gay men are the most obsessed with Lady Diana and the royals and the pageantry, I think it’s good the queen knows who her fan base is.”

Related royal links:

It’s a boy!

Royal trivia with David Boze

Photos: Royal baby mania

British bookies make mint on royal baby betting

Dori Monson on KIRO Radio 97.3 FM

  • Tune in to KIRO Radio weekdays at 12 noon for The Dori Monson Show.


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