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Marshawn Lynch sells Skittles on TV shopping channel

Marshawn Lynch went on a home shopping channel to sell packs of Skittles. (AP)

Seahawks’ Marshawn Lynch is known for avoiding the media, but his love for Skittles was enough to put him right in front of the camera.

“Ya’ll need to taste the rainbow,” Lynch said while on EVINE Live, a home shopping channel, in a segment selling boxes of Skittles.

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“We’re intimate, we become one,” Lynch said about his love for the candy.

“You want me to show you how it’s done?” Lynch said before popping a Skittle in his mouth. “Now we’re one.”

Lynch’s penchant for Skittles is well known. During the candy-selling segment Lynch expressed that if Skittles isn’t at a party, he will leave.

And if a date doesn’t like Skittles?

“She’s sour, she’s not sweet enough,” he said.

The show not only sold the Skittles, it also informed its audience that each packet of the candy was 6-inches long and it would take 12 packets lined up to be as tall as Lynch.


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