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Dave Ross

In a few weeks we’ll know who’s right about the end of the world

Dave Ross Commentary – Listen: In a few weeks we’ll know who’s right about the end of the world

Christians have predicted judgment day before, but this group has put the date on billboards around the country which read:

“Judgment Day May 21, 2011, Cry Mightily Unto God”

“Well it won’t be good. It will be an earthquake the magnitude mankind has never seen before.”

That’s Tom Evans who is on the board of Family Radio, which bought the billboards to warn the public. He has two children: a daughter age 3, and a six month old son:

“I love them very much and my wife and I we talk about it and we do it in a positive way, not in a scary kind of way. We just try to tell them May 21, 2011 that’s when Jesus is going to come and get his people, and its not going to be good. It’s going to be quite scary.”

They plan to be gathered together on May 21st. But … what if he wakes up on May 22, and the world as we know it is still there? Not gonna happen, he says.

“Can you imagine what it’s like for me and my family and my friends that I know who think that I’m crazy, but there’s so much evidence in the Bible. I trust the Bible to the point I’m willing to put my life on it,” he says.

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